August 2019

Who am I?

Ever Questioned Who You Are?

Who the hell am I?
What do I actually like? 
What do people think of me?

Sometimes we are so busy during our lives that as we grow older we invariably change. The problem being is that it happens so slowly add that to the fact we are so close to ourselves we never see it happen. 

We think of ourselves as a large grown up version of the child we once were. With all the cute attributes that our parents would reminisce about, but only now we are much larger.
But is that really who we are? 

So many things change within us and happen to us as children and young adults, that how can we expect to have the same traits as when we were young.
Yes, there will be similarities but we will have built up so much emotional scar tissue over our years that there are so many experiences we won`t even attempt for fear of ridicule or emotional pain.

We are indeed a product of our enviroment, but do we have to be?

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Are We Our Greatest Self When We Are Children?

Are We Our Greatest Self When We Are Children?

The problem with being an adult is that you`re surrounded by other adults.
And some of those stink!

As children we are potentially our greatest most open minded self. Untethered by preconceptions and past experiences. 

We have the ability at a young age to see people and things in a particularly uncomplicated way.
We have not learnt prejudices and we don`t make sweeping judgements about people. New tasks are taken with vigour or not at all.
We don`t entertain toiling for achievement, we achieve because we want to and we are inquisitive and playful.
When was the last time you heard somebody refer to an adult as inquisitive or playful without a huge dose of sarcasm. 

Children are infamous for saying “Why?” on numerous occasions, but as we grow older this curiosity wanes. Is this because we know everything there is to know? Of course not.
So where does our spirited curiosity go and can we ever get it back?   

Are We Our Greatest Self When We Are Children? Read More »